Reflecting the work of Enharmonic Encounters across B Certification, storytelling, translation and interpreting, and much more. Essentials by Enharmonic Encounters aims to inspire by disseminating the positive impact it is generating in the world.

Why The Fight for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Must Continue in Brazil
Impact Storytelling Jeffrey D. Stewart Impact Storytelling Jeffrey D. Stewart

Why The Fight for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Must Continue in Brazil

Race and gender equity programs have made strides in increasing the inclusion of women in the workplace. However, not all women benefit equally. White women are still hired at a rate five times higher than Black women. To truly create diverse, inclusive, and equitable spaces, we must act swiftly to bridge these disparities. Unearthing these spaces involves leveling the playing field for women and understanding and addressing the complexities that affect women’s experiences and opportunities.

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Carving Out Time to Save Your Life
Impact Storytelling Jeffrey D. Stewart Impact Storytelling Jeffrey D. Stewart

Carving Out Time to Save Your Life

Today, Joppy Momma’s Farm is making notable progress. Partnering with local restaurants and eateries, Kim and her team collect food scraps to use as composting material, which produces soil to grow crops. The farm grows all types of plants, greens, and vegetables: cilantro, rosemary, broccoli, cabbage, turnips, and carrots, to name but a few. All of it is organic. The farm also directs some of its yield to partners for their operations in food preparation and service.

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My First Champions Retreat
Impact Storytelling Jeffrey D. Stewart Impact Storytelling Jeffrey D. Stewart

My First Champions Retreat

When I arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia, this past March for my very first Champions Retreat, the initial reaction others had when they recognized me was heartwarming and comical. In addition to receiving many welcoming hugs, I shared a few chuckles with those surprised by my height. It was funny to imagine how the head-and-shoulders frame on Zoom can sometimes influence how we perceive others.

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